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Chronicle 11

WebVenture Chronicles Chronicle 11 Hello, everyone! I’m back this week at WebVenture Chronicles after a brief break to attend Church Girls Camp—an awesome experience that left me refreshed and inspired! This week, we’re diving into some critical aspects of website optimization and analytics, lessons that are vital for anyone running an online business. Deep Dive into Google Analytics We started by getting a better handle on Google Analytics reports. This tool is essential because it shows how people find and use our website. I’ve learned to look for patterns, like which pages keep people interested and which might be causing them to leave. This kind of information is crucial for making smart updates to our site. Auditing My Website Using, I conducted a thorough audit of Sparkle Charm Bar, which highlighted several improvements I can make to boost my site's performance and SEO ranking. Here's the plan: Improve Page Load Speed: My site currently loads in about 4

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