Chronicle 7

 WebVenture Chronicles

Chronicle 7

Hello everyone! Another exciting week has gone by, and I've learned even more about running a successful online business. This week, we focused on building a strong keyword list for our Google Ads campaigns and how these keywords connect us with our target audience.

Creating a Good Keyword List

Having the right keywords is essential for any online business. For Sparkle Charm Bar, our chosen keywords should match our customers' searches. This means thinking like a customer and using terms they might use to find custom charm bracelets and necklaces.

Understanding Negative Keywords

One important lesson this week was about negative keywords. These are words that help us exclude irrelevant searches, so our ads only show up for people who are really interested in our products. For example, adding "cheap" as a negative keyword can prevent our ads from appearing in searches looking for low-budget options that don't match our brand's focus on quality.

Grouping Keywords and Match Types

Organizing keywords into group themes has been a significant takeaway. By grouping similar keywords, we can create more targeted ad groups and craft ads that speak directly to what the searcher is looking for. Also, understanding the different match types—broad, phrase, exact, and negative—helps ensure our ads reach the right people.

Constant Optimization

A key realization this week is that managing keywords is an ongoing process. We need to continuously check how our keywords are performing, see which ones drive traffic and sales, and adjust our strategy as needed. This helps us get the best return on our advertising budget. I updated my Sparkle Charm Bar search ad with improved keywords with this lesson. 

Seeking Guidance

As always, I find it helpful to seek the Lord's guidance in all aspects of my business. Reflecting on the importance of keywords and their impact on my business, I feel more aligned with my goals and values. Inviting spiritual insights into my decision-making process helps me stay focused and grounded.

Looking Ahead

Moving forward, I am excited to apply these new strategies to Sparkle Charm Bar and see how they improve our online presence. I look forward to hearing about your experiences and getting tips on keyword strategies. Let's continue to support each other and share our learning journey.


This week has been highly educational, and I can't wait to see how these lessons will help us grow our online businesses. Thanks for following along, and let's keep pushing forward together!


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